Regenerative Medicine
Delmarva Pain and Spine Center
Pain Management Physicians located in Newark, DE
Regenerative medicine stimulates your body's natural healing response and can provide lasting pain relief. At Delmarva Pain and Spine Center in Newark, Delaware, Shachi Patel, MD, a double board-certified interventional pain management specialist, provides regenerative medicine, including stem cell therapy and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections, to reduce your pain. Call Delmarva Pain and Spine Center or schedule a consultation online today to find out how regenerative medicine can help you.
Regenerative Medicine Q & A
What is regenerative medicine?
Regenerative medicine is an emerging practice that aims to harness the body's natural ability to generate new cells and repair itself.
Many painful conditions are due to injuries to the muscle, bone, and connective tissue in your body. Regenerative medicine can stimulate your healing response and address the root cause of your pain.
At Delmarva Pain and Spine Center, Dr. Patel offers stem cell therapy and PRP injections.
Stem cell therapy
Stem cells have the amazing ability to transform into whatever type of cell your body needs to repair itself, and everyone has stem cells in their bodies. Depending on your condition, Dr. Patel might harvest stem cells from your body or use donor cells. During stem cell therapy, Dr. Patel injects stem cells into your injured tissue to flood your body with the cells it needs to repair itself.
PRP therapy
Platelets are one of the solid components of your blood. While their primary job is to clot your blood when you have an injury, they're also rich in the growth factors and proteins your body needs to repair itself and generate new cells.
PRP therapy involves a sample of your blood that's been separated to create a serum that has 5-10 times more platelets than a regular blood sample. When Dr. Patel injects the PRP serum into your injured tissue, the injection stimulates your body's natural healing response, and it delivers the growth factors and proteins your body uses to repair itself.
What conditions improve with regenerative medicine?
Regenerative medicine is still an emerging field, with medical researchers studying its applications and benefits. Some of the conditions that might improve with regenerative medicine treatments include:
- Arthritis
- Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
- Tendonitis
- Knee ligament injuries
- Sprains
- Plantar fasciitis
- Rotator cuff tears
Regenerative medicine can also accelerate your recovery after surgery. Dr. Patel considers each patient's individual needs before creating a customized treatment plan. Ask about regenerative medicine and whether it's right for you.
What should I expect from regenerative medicine treatment?
While regenerative medicine stimulates your body's ability to heal itself, you still need recovery time. It can take a few weeks to start to feel an improvement after a regenerative medicine treatment. Be patient with your body, and follow Dr. Patel's instructions to support your recovery.
Call Delmarva Pain and Spine Center or make an appointment online today to learn more about regenerative medicine and how it can relieve your pain.
Key Treatments We Offer & Conditions We Treat
Sciaticamore info
Spinal Stenosismore info
Complex Regional Pain Syndromemore info
Trigger Point Injectionsmore info
Joint Injectionmore info
Epidural Steroid Injectionsmore info
Radiofrequency Ablationmore info
Spinal Cord Stimulationmore info
Neuropathymore info
Ketamine Infusionsmore info
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Weight Loss & Nutritionmore info
mild® Proceduremore info
Pain Management Servicesmore info
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Intracept Proceduremore info
Stem Cell Therapymore info